Monday, October 30, 2006

loose your reservations

Japanese eat a lot of things that i have never eaten before, which is nice, because if i like one thing, than that's eating new stuff.
recently i had a nice chat whit a promotional saleryman inside the supermarket. he passed things to me to let me try it, like dried little fish and dried squid, etc. than at some point i lost ability to guess what i was tasting, because things started to look really odd. afterwards my friend told me it was basially snail variations. at that time i thought, how lucky that i didn't care about eating this kind of food. it tasted good btw. but i know people who wouldn't have been so calm after learning that they just have eaten snail.
now, i didn't have my camera ready back than. so instead i will post some pictures i took of the free appetizer at a izakaya (japanese style bar) which was given as a free treat. very tasty, indeed ;)



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